On-Demand Webinar


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Elevate your DDoS defense with SCION

Learn how SCION and Anapaya GATE can help prevent DDoS attacks on your network.

Are you ready to rethink how to best prevent DDoS attacks on your network and elevate your cybersecurity strategy? Watch our on-demand webinar, part of our SCION for Techies webinar series, to explore the capabilities of our SCION-based solution, Anapaya GATE. The GATE hides your business service from the Internet, meaning it prevents DDoS attacks by reducing attack surface by up to 99% compared to the traditional Internet. 

Discover how SCION is redefining Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) defense and learn how it can upgrade the security of your critical infrastructure. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how preventing DDoS attacks can take your security to the next level! 

Learning objectives

Gain insights into how Anapaya GATE on the SCION Internet prevents DDoS attacks:

Understand the existing DDoS defense solution landscape.

See how Anapaya GATE and SCION fit into today’s marketplace.

See how SCION is being deployed to protect critical infrastructure from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Gain a technical understanding of how to implement SCION in your network environment.

Discover how SCION can enhance your current DDoS defense portfolio.

Schedule a free demo
and experience the power

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